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hode v0.2.9d by usineur
Last Release: Nov 22, 2020
Downloads: 3211

hode is a reimplementation of the engine used by the game 'Heart of Darkness'
developed by Amazing Studio.

The original datafiles from the Windows releases (Demo or CD) are required.

- hod.paf (hod_demo.paf)
- setup.dat
- *_hod.lvl
- *_hod.sss
- *_hod.mst


By default the engine will try to load the files from the current directory
and start the game from the first level.

These defaults can be changed using command line switches :

Usage: hode [OPTIONS]...
--datapath=PATH Path to data files (default '.')
--level=NUM Start at level NUM
--checkpoint=NUM Start at checkpoint NUM

Display and engine settings can be configured in the 'hode.ini' file.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
hode.vpk v0.2.9d 11/22/20 332 Download QR
## Installation:

- Switch
- Create the directory `/switch/hode`
- Copy into it all datafiles (see README.txt), `hode.nro` and `hode.ini`
- Enjoy

- Vita
- Install `hode.vpk` using VitaShell
- Copy all datafiles (see README.txt) and `hode.ini` into `ux0:data/hode`
- Edit `hode.ini` and set `scale_factor` value to **1** and `fullscreen` to **true**
- Enjoy

## Controls:

| | Switch | Vita |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Move Andy | Left D-pad or Left joystick | Left D-pad or Left joystick |
| Run | A or ZR | X |
| Jump | B | O |
| Use weapon / power | Y | □ |
| Special power | X | △ |
| Skip cutscene | - | Select |
| Exit confirmation screen | + | Start |

## Changelog:

- Import 0.2.9a, 0.2.9b, 0.2.9c and 0.2.9d changes
- added gain to sounds
- added no-hit cheat for 'rock' and 'lava'
- added original sounds limiter (16 channels)
- fixed checkpoint 7 for 'lar1' screen 19
- fixed some bounding box checks
- fixed sound glitches when resuming the game after a cutscene
- added PSX hint screens
- added 'volume' submenu
- fixed sounds volume and panning
- fixed walk on chain bridge in 'lar1' screen 3
- fixed gate not closing in 'lar2' screen 8

- Import 0.2.9 changes
- added PSP and Wii platforms specific code
- added support for PC demo v1.0 data files
- fixed screen state for 'fort' screens 16 and 17
- fixed checkpoint for 'pwr1' screen 21
- fixed PAF animation glitches with last frame

- Import 0.2.8 changes
- added PSX background overlays (MDEC)
- fixed crash playing paf animation <span>#</span>3 with Italian PC data files

- Import 0.2.7 changes
- added 'projection' submenu
- added PSX backgrounds (MDEC)
- fixed menu on big endian platforms

- Import 0.2.6 changes
- added initial code for menu
- added initial code for PSX sounds (SPU ADPCM)
- fixed skull animation in 'rock' screen 18

- Import 0.2.5 changes
- fixed spiders and worms movement
- several fixes for big endian platforms

- Import 0.2.4 changes
- fixed Amigo walk path in 'pwr2' screen 7
- fixed glowing stone puzzle in 'lar2'
- fixed missing trigger for switch #0 in 'lar1'

- Import 0.2.3 changes
- Fix autosave on Vita

- Import 0.2.2 changes
- Fix "wonky" controls on PS Vita

- First public release

## Credits

- Gregory Montoir, for the hode engine:
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
hode.vpk v0.2.9 05/04/20 288 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.8 01/30/20 283 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.7 01/25/20 264 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.6 01/20/20 290 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.5 01/10/20 371 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.4 12/06/19 375 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.3 12/04/19 309 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.2 11/17/19 367 Download QR
hode.vpk v0.2.0 10/27/19 313 Download QR