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VitaRW-min v1.00 (vs0-vd0) by rtlsdr_is_fun
Last Release: Jul 19, 2018
Downloads: 1553

Enable RW access to "read-only" partitions. This is a PoC, and should be used by devs who like the risk.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
VitaRW-min v1.00 (vs0-vd0) 07/19/18 920 Download QR
VitaRW-min v1.00 (vs0-pd0-sa0) 07/19/18 630 Download QR
So I was looking for a way to remove the "Featured" area of the PSTV (h-encore 3.68). But vs0: is read-only. Then I came across VitaRW. But it is a bit much and tries to remount everything (including os0), and ends up breaking things (until restart).

Therefore I decided to modify its loop to mount only 2 partitions (vd0 and vs0). I decided to call this VitaRW-min
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