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VITA2PC v0.2 by Rinnegatamante
Last Release: Dec 10, 2017
Downloads: 2032

VITA2PC is a plugin allowing you to stream your PSVITA to your PC. It suports any kind of game (cartridges, Vitamin dumps, maiDump dumps).
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
VITA2PC v0.2 12/10/17 1196 Download QR
VITA2PC is a plugin allowing you to stream your PSVITA to your PC. It suports any kind of game (cartridges, Vitamin dumps, maiDump dumps).
NOTE: This plugin will automatically set max clocks and hook SetClock functions in order to not being able to lower them. If you use oclockvita or any other clock changer plugin, they will have no effects at all.

Synchronous vs Asynchronous

VITA2PC allows to start video streaming in two different ways: asynchronous and synchronous.
Async stream will drop some frames but won't have any effect on Vita side.
Sync stream will send every frame but will cause stuttering on Vita side on several games.
Frameskip feature works only with Sync stream.

Audio Streaming

Audio streaming is still higly experimental and can cause several issues depending on how the game manages audio:
- Noise loops
- Game freezes
- Mute audio on Vita side
- Garbage audio or missing audio on PC side

This will be ironed out in next releases.

How to use

- Place VITA2PC.suprx in ux0:tai
- Add ux0:tai/VITA2PC.suprx under the titleid of the game you want to stream (if you put it under *ALL, you'll have to start your Vita by holding L and then you have to reload config using molecularShell to prevent enso to freeze).
- In game press L + SELECT to bring config menu.
- Set your configuration and start the stream on Vita.
- Open the PC client and insert the IP shown on your Vita.

Compatibility List

Here's the official compatibility list:
If you want to report your experience with missing games in the list, please post a report here:


- frangarcj for helping me figure out how to properly hook power save mode enabling by games.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
VITA2PC v0.1 09/05/17 834 Download QR