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ePSP Bubble Installer v3.1 by CelesteBlue
Last Release: Feb 5, 2017
Downloads: 2122

This is a tool that quickly installs a mini ePSP bubble for use with Adrenaline or ARK.
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ePSP Bubble Installer v3.1 02/05/17 2099 Download QR
This is a tool that quickly installs a mini ePSP bubble for use with Adrenaline or ARK.
No need to be on IDU or to have a PS3. Moreover, the bubble will only cost you 3.5MB !
Since v2.0, you can even activate your PSVita directly through the app !
Since v3.0, you can clone ePSP bubbles and delete them if needed.
Open the app and follow what is written on screen. Enjoy, finally, ARK and Adrenaline.
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