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vitastick v0.4.1 by xerpi
Last Release: Jul 25, 2018
Downloads: 4148

vitastick is a plugin and an application that lets you use a PSVita as a USB controller
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
vitastick plugin v0.4.1 07/25/18 1364 Download QR
vitastick vpk v0.4.1 07/25/18 1740 Download QR
vitastick is a plugin and an application that lets you use a PSVita as a USB controller. It uses the UDCD (USB Device Controller Driver) infrastructure in the kernel to simulate such controller, and thus, the host thinks the PSVita is a legit USB gamepad.


When the VPK is activated, it reduces the clock frequencies to reduce power consumption

Add vitastick.skprx to taiHEN's config (ux0:/tai/config.txt):
Install vitastick.vpk

Open the VPK and the Vita should switch to USB controller mode
Note: If you use Mai, don't put the plugin inside ux0:/plugins because Mai will load all stuff you put in there...
Name Version Released Hits DL Link QR
vitastick plugin valpha 0.3 04/12/17 576 Download QR
vitastick vpk valpha 0.3 10/31/17 454 Download QR