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VITAforecast v1.0 by joel16
Last Release: Mar 19, 2017
Downloads: 944

A PS VITA application that grabs data from, and parses the data to extract relevant details.
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VITAforecast v1.0 03/19/17 935 Download QR
A PS VITA application that grabs data from, and parses the data to extract relevant details.


Drag and drop the VPK into your vita's memory card.
Open Vitashell and install.
Make sure you have a working net connection and you're good to go.

Please enter your zip code correctly and use common letters only. For example (Use without quotations): Format: "zipcode,id"

"wv1,gb" = Wolverhampton, UK
"07001,us" = Avenel, US
"169-0072,jp" = Tōkyō-to, JP
"75008,fr" = Palais-Royal, FR

Square: Re-enter zip code and ID.
Start: Exit app.
Triangle: Refresh data (although it already does this in the background).

nickelad for helping me out with HTTP functions.
preetisketch for designing the GUI's background and the banner.
d3stroy from deviantart for the current atmosphere icons.
MerlinTheRed from deviantart for the app's icon0.
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