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Stock App Remover v1.0 by AntHJ
Last Release: Dec 12, 2021
Downloads: 121

Hide apps
Simply select your desired app and press the start button, this app will then hide your chosen bubbles and the system will reboot..

Show apps
To restore the apps simply do the same.. Restored bubbles will apear on the same page / folder as you have the app itself so make sure there is space around it, or male a folder with just this app in it
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Stock App Remover v1.0 12/12/21 121 Download QR
# Stock App Remover

Hide apps

Simply select your desired app and press the start button, this app will then hide your chosen bubbles and the system will reboot..

Show apps

To restore the apps simply do the same.. Restored bubbles will apear on the same page / folder as you have the app itself so make sure there is space around it, or male a folder with just this app in it


* Utilises Lua Player Plus Vita (lpp-vita). [Learn more.](
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