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PS2 Netemu Selector v1.5 by kozarovv
Last Release: Aug 10, 2018
Downloads: 31565

Application for changing ps2_netemu file versions on CFW 4.81, 4.82 (CEX, DEX, DECR (decr untested)). HEN is not supported. Based on modified version of XMB Manager Plus (XMBM+) Installer.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
PS2 Netemu Selector v1.5 08/10/18 29093 Download
Available versions of PS2 Netemu:
* Default - Standard Cobra featured emulator.
* Temperatures Mod - Custom emulator with built-in Cell/RSX temperature monitor.
* Memory Dumper Mod - Custom emulator that allows LV1 memory dump of PS2 games.
* HDD Browser Mod - Custom emulator that allows select ISO.BIN.ENC from hdd0/game.

PS2 Netemu Selector v1.4
* Added submenu to enable/disable debug menu for every emu

Now after choosing emu you will be taken to next screen with option to enable/disable debug menu. So you can have emulator that show temperatures with enabled debug menu now.
To access debug menu run ps2 game, and push PS button. Current patch allow to show this menu only one time per run.

PS2 Netemu Selector v1.3
* Added manual page with emulators description
* Changed menu logo
* Changed font for headers in menu
* Reorganized menu, and folder structure
* Other minor graphical changes

note: To access manual page, push PS button, and select "Software Manual".

PS2 Netemu Selector v1.2
* Fixed in-game XMB (PS button menu) flickering

PS2 Netemu Selector v1.1
* Changed way of creating backup

Note: Previously backup was created basing on current date/time. This resulted in separate backup files for every emulator change. This resulted in many not needed copies which just take free space on hdd. Now when changing emulator previous backup is overwritten with new one. Although backup files are not really needed here, because app is not changing files that can affect console/xmb boot process, and original emu is included in app itself. But is good to have one just in case, that's why I leave option to create/restore it.

PS2 Netemu Selector v1.0
* Initial Release
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
PS2 Netemu Selector v1.4 01/26/18 2462 Download