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Ultimate Toolbox v2.03 by DeViL303
Last Release: Aug 23, 2023
Downloads: 50481

This is a collection of new and old mods and patches/ A lot made by DeViL303 and some gathered from all over the PS3 scene. This Toolbox makes it easier to apply lots of common firmware patches and visual XMB modifications and more.

WARNING: A beta version for 4.89-4.91 is now available. Use with caution

Download: Ultimate Toolbox 2.03 for 4.84-4.88 (FULL) 482MB (External link) (7/11/2021)

Download: Ultimate Toolbox for 4.89-4.91 BETA 485MB (External link) (8/23/2023)

Contribute with a small donation to help cover server costs.
Bitcoin: 3B9sUBBvP7cHmHAHuvt5FJvkXhA5ggLryE
Ethereum: 0xd35965E6780BCFc9F43bB43c9a832C86445a140D
Bitcoin Cash: qrwfu9kt83q77u4us3qa05z52afghraqcvv3adcmkq
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Use link above ^^^ v2.03 08/23/23 50465 Download
Ultimate Toolbox 2.03:
More Info:

Update v2.03 Changelog:
- Removed all explore_plugin_full.rco mods (Game sorting options, PSN icon color changing options)
- Removed language selection options
- Lite version no longer available

Update v2.01 Changelog:
- Adds support for HEN on 4.88 HFW (4.88 HEN enabler added and option to promote 4.88 HEN Enabler to the root of game)
- Adds support for the upcoming Evilnat 4.88 CFW (New text strings and icons added to rcos)
- Adds option to switch to Brazilian language (Thanks to Douglas Sampaio on twitter)
- Fixes uninstaller so it completely removes the Toolbox icon properly.
- Fixes gameboot audio enabler so it also installs the gameboot ac3 files.
- Fixes small issue with the Night King impose plugin mod.

Ultimate Toolbox v2.01 Features

Power Options
- Reload XMB (Optional built in pkg)
- Soft Reboot - Reboot lv2
- Hard Reboot - Fully reboot the hardware
- Reboot into a database rebuild
- Reboot into a filesystem check
- Reboot into Recovery mode
- Boot into OtherOS (Optional built in pkg)

Backup Utility
- System Backup Utility - Take a complete snap shot of dev_flash2 and dev_hdd0
- Home Folder Backup - Backup user files like licenses and savedata
- Boot Plugins Backup - Backup/restore plugin configuration
- xRegistry Save States - Backup/restore system configuration
- Firmware Save States - Backup.Restore complete dev_flash
- Dump Tools - cfw settings items originally by mysis

File Explorer
- Browse and delete from all active drives
- Browse and delete from hard disk partition 0 (dev_hdd0)
- Browse and delete from hard disk partition 1 (dev_hdd1)
- Browse and delete from USB Storage Devices (dev_usb00*)
- Browse and delete from memory card devices (dev_ms, dev_sd, dev_cf)
- Browse and delete from optical discs (dev_bdvd, dev_ps2disc)
- Browse and delete from Internal flash partitions (dev_flash, dev_flash2, dev_flash3, dev_blind, dev_rewrite)

Firmware Settings
- Toggle dev_blind - Enable/Disable write access to dev_flash
- Toggle All Plugins - Enable/Disable boot_plugins.txt files
- Toggle Power Options - A few options for power cycling in the user category
- Package Manager Options - Enable/Disable/Upgrade package manager
- App Home Options - Enable/Disable/Move the app_home XMB item
- Toggle Xil Apps - Enable/Disable XMB links like photo gallery, singstar etc
- Block Firmware Updates - Block online updates or block system update icon completely (recovery mode untouched)
- Game Sorting Options - Add ability to sort by name and or date created
- Toggle Extended Download Plugin - Add extra download paths to the web browser
- Toggle Audio To Headset - libaudio.sprx patch for forcing all audio to usb or bluetooth devices
- Allow extended Coldboot Audio - Enable start up sounds up to 20 seconds to play fully.
- Show IP on XMB - Options for showing the console IP address on the XMB
- HEN Options - Ability to enable HEN, install a HEN enabler to the game category for 4.84, 4.85, 4.86, 4.87 HFW.
- Cobra options - Enable/Disable Cobra, or swap between standard and debug payloads (user must supply payloads)
- PS2 Netemu Selector - Choose from several modified ps2_netemu.self files

Content Downloader
- PS1 Demo Disc Downloader - 33 PS1 demos available
- PS2 Demo Disc Downloader - 11 PS2 demos available
- PS3 Demo PKG Downloader - Over 500 c00 demos available
- Playstation Magazine Downloader - 40 issues available
- Playstation Podcast Downloader - 100 Episodes available
- PS3UPDAT.PUP Downloader - 10 PUPs available

Package Manager Pro
- My Package Files - Shows packages from all locations
- Install Package Files - Normal options and webserver, downloads folder
- Delete Package Files - normal options and some new ones
- Downloaded Content - Manage content bubbles here

Visual Customization
= Themes - About 1000 themes available for download
= Wallpapers - Over 2000 wallpapers available for download
= Coldboot Logos - Over 400 coldboot logos built in and more options
= Coldboot sounds - 32 coldboot sounds and more options.
= Background Wave Options - 400 wave options available
= System Font options - over 100 font available
= Gaia Visualization Options - 90 options available
= Canyon Visualization Options - Force 57 presets
= Gameboot Options - enable official gameboot or install multi gameboot mod
= Screensaver Options - stream or download mp4 screensaver videos
= Impose Screen Options - 28 different impose mods available
= Blur effect Options - Enable/Disable/Change the blur effect when in xmb folders
= XMB Icon Effects - 12 different effects for main XMB icons
= PSN Icons Color - Choose between blue or red PSN icons
= Overall XMB Size - Change main icon size to 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 120%, 130%
= Upgrade system Icons - Install higher resolution set of emojis and buttons
= Pixel Art Viewer - 5 pixel art examples

Built In Apps
- Built in app installer - 10 apps available that install inside the toolbox menu instead of normal locations.
- You can add your apps here by changing the apps category to HM in it's PARAM.SFO then booting the app once and exiting it.
- Ultimate Toolbox Setup
- Toolbox Components - Hide Show toolbox sections
- Manage Addon Modules - Download or Remove optional resources
- webMAN MOD resources - Install or remove wmm resources in dev_hdd0/tmp/
- Change Toolbox Language - Work in progress - Only English available at release but has support for changing between 21 languages if they become available.
- About Ultimate Toolbox - Update link, Uninstall options and donation links/QR codes.
- Reinstall Ultimate Toolbox Plugin - This item needs to be ran once after any CFW reinstall. This patches flash with the required files.

This has been tested on Rebug, Evilnat and Ferrox and on 4.87.1 HFW with the latest HEN.
There are a few items that are for CFW only, these options are labelled with flashing symbols warning to not use them on HEN.

If anyone wants to release a language translation add on, look in the dev_hdd0/ULTOOLBOX/USRDIR/language_packs/English/ folder, there are approx 7MB of xmls in there that would need translating. It's a fairly big job, I will release a pkg template for installing extra languages if anyone wants it.

If you are on HEN, after install you need to go into Firmware Settings > HEN Options and choose to promote the HEN enabler for your HFW version to the root of game. You can also enable HEN from there if required.

There is a link to Evilnat 4.87.3 included in the PUP downloader section, for now this links to Evilnat 4.87.2, when the PUP is available the file will be updated server side.

There could be bugs in this software so use it at your own risk.
After initial install it will change your PSN icons color to blue, you can change this to red inside the visual customization menu if you want to.

If you would like to make a small donation to help cover server costs it would much appreciated, Thank you.

Bitcoin: 3B9sUBBvP7cHmHAHuvt5FJvkXhA5ggLryE
Ethereum: 0xd35965E6780BCFc9F43bB43c9a832C86445a140D
Bitcoin Cash: qrwfu9kt83q77u4us3qa05z52afghraqcvv3adcmkqv

Credits: To everyone in the scene, there are too many to name. It builds on the work of just about everyone.

Special thanks to @aldostools, @bguerville @Berion and @mysis
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