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XMBPD v0.70 by DeViL303
Last Release: Apr 25, 2017
Downloads: 124464

XMB Package Downloader is a mod that consist of a set of download links to PS3 packages grouped in categories: Backup Managers, Emulators & Games, Media Applications, Tools/Mods/Misc, Themes and Wallpapers.

webMAN Launchpad is an alternative game list for webMAN games that uses a modified version of the "What's New" icon to select the games in the style of the PS3_EXTRAS menu.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
XMBPD v0.70 04/25/17 43233 Download
XMBPD & XMBM+ v0.61+0.24 10/29/16 17045 Download
webMAN LaunchPad (4.81.x) v0.18 01/11/17 10653 Download
webMAN LaunchPad (4.80-4.81) v0.16 11/09/16 8771 Download
XMBPD v0.70
* Added over 60 No-PSN pkgs (Thanks to @esc0rtd3w - Source1 Source2)
* Updated the webMAN MOD, PSN Patch, prepNTFS and ManaGunZ packages, added Gamepad Test v1.0.
* Added 10 "PSN not required" apps to the PSN category.
* Added an XMBPD Rebugification skin to the style switcher (Thanks to @Berion)
* Added Content IDs for No-PSN and PSN categories.

XMBPD v0.65.00
* Only tested on Rebug 4.81
* Installs to the network category.
* Updated packages and new stuff.
* Package Handling settings removed, Now all packages will download to a temporary location and then get deleted after install.

XMBPD v0.63.00
* Updated the download_plugin sprx to the CEX 4.81 version (patched for XMBPD by @Bobby_Downgrades to allow unsigned pkgs to download and install)
* Updated the available prepNTFS pkg to v1.16
* Updated the available IRISMAN pkg to v4.81.00 (FULL and LITE available now)
* Updated the available SEN Enabler pkg to 6.0.3
* Updated the WebMAN MOD pkg to 1.45.02 (Latest build available as of 11/11)
* Added 40 GBA games to a new subcategory inside retro (Big thanks again @Phil, Lovin these ;) Thanks to @Berion for the new icons too, looking sweet)
* Have already made 3 more subcategories inside retro too, icons and titles/info is included already, they are just commented out as they are still empty for now.
* Added a new wallpaper subcategory for "Plain" wallpapers (thanks @aldostools for the idea)
* Made the wallpaper settings much more efficient, now the icon packages the need to be downloaded to change the setting are much smaller.
* Made a lot of the icons for the pkgs smaller by converting any ones that don't need transparency to jpg..Result - smaller overall package even though there are new categories and items added.

XMBPD v0.62.00
* New installer.
* Still has the option to only install the normal HDD files so that XMBPD appears inside XMBM+ in the game category as usual.
* Now also has new additional options that allow XMBPD to be installed to the network category on 5 of the latest and greatest CFWs (in alphabetical order) - Darknet 4.81, Ferrox 4.81, Overflow 4.81, Playerkp420 4.81, Rebug 4.80.1 and SPY 4.81.
* Webman Mod FULL edition is required as always so you should have that running first,...

webMAN LaunchPad v0.18
* Support added for Rebug 4.81.2
This version now supports Rebug 4.81.1 and Rebug 4.81.2
(choose the correct version for your firmware)

webMAN Launchpad v0.17
* This version is for Rebug 4.81.1 ONLY.
If you are on other 4.81 CFW or Rebug 4.80.1 you should continue to use v0.16. There is no difference except Rebug 4.81 support in this release.

webMAN LaunchPAD v0.16
* The following 6 CFW now are supported:
  • Darknet 4.81 v1.00 Cobra v7.30
  • Ferrox 4.81 v1.00 Cobra v7.30
  • Overdrive 4.81 v4 Cobra 7.30
  • Playerpk420 4.81 v1.00 Cobra
  • Rebug 4.80.1 REX Cobra
  • Spy 4.81 v1.00 Cobra
    * Install makeover.
    * webMAN Mod 1.45.02 Full edition is required.
    (Version 1.45.02 or higher recommended to get the full features of Launchpad)
    * As a bonus this installer adds XMBM+ support and fixes the dupe pkg issue that this can sometimes cause. I had to move install bubbles inside install packages on some of the FWs to get everything working right.
    * This installer will add support for XMBM+ on any of the 6 CFWs it supports even if you only select the uninstall option.
    * Handy little tip: with the Launchpad you don't need to reboot when you use the built in shortcut to refresh.
    * If you install this on Overflow 4.81 Cobra CFW it will also update webMAN to 1.45.02 FULL version (I have done this due to the path used).

    Warning: This has been reported to cause a soft brick on SPY 4.81 (Easily Recoverable)..Make sure to install the CORRECT version for your CFW. Heavily modified FWs not supported. I have only tested this on standard FWs.

    webMAN LaunchPAD v0.15
    * Support added for Playerpk420's 4.81 v1.00 Cobra CFW. So this v0.15 installer now supports Rebug 4.80.1 REX , Ferrox 4.81 v1.00 Cobra, and Playerpk420's 4.81 v1.00 Cobra.
    * If installed on Playerpk420's 4.81 Cobra CFW it will fix the missing icons on the in-game XMB.(See cfw settings)
    * If you ONLY use the option to uninstall on Playerpk420's 4.81 Cobra CFW it will fix the missing icons too.
    * If installed or uninstalled on any of the supported CFW's it will add support for XMBM+/XMBPD.

    > As usual it requires webMAN MOD (1.45.02 or higher recommended).
    > Users of v0.14 on other CFW's don't need to update, only new CFW support added.

    webMAN LaunchPAD v0.14
    * Support added for Ferrox 4.81 CFW. So this v0.14 installer now supports Rebug 4.80.1 REX and Ferrox 4.81 v1.00 Cobra)
    * Installing this on Ferrox 4.81 v1.00 will make all icons blue.(If installed on Rebug 4.80 the icons will not change)
    * Added Translations for the "Launching" string in 7 languages.
    * Changed Launchpad sprx files so they now call custom title entries in the RCOs and also it now has a custom icon filename, this will make it easier to toggle the Launchpad should the need arise, as the original icon and titles will still be in place, so the RCOs wont need swapping.
    * Added the new custom entries in the RCOs to the bottom of the text files for Launchpad, so it matches the mod above, this will make it easier to translate in the future.
    * Fixed missing Launchpad title on in-game XMB.
    * Changed title so it has a lowercase "w" to match "webMAN Games".
    * Added a new warning to the installer that basically says to make sure you install the right version for your CFW, and to use it at your own risk.

    webMAN LaunchPAD v0.13
    * Added Berions v4 icons for the 3 default functions available on install.
    * Removed red "timeout" loading squares via rco edit.
    * Removed "new" icon on place holder via rco edit.
    * Changed background to the darker ones (from aldos post).

    webMAN LauchPAD v0.12

    Small Changes:
    * Changed message that appears when mounting a game or using a function to "Performing requested action..Please Wait.."
    * Removed XMBPD from the installer as that is now separate.
    * Changed XMB items title to "WebMAN Launchpad" for all languages.
    * Added the wm_Launchpad.xml in the same format as the one that WMM creates, just 3 functions at the top and local icons.
    * Added local icons to installer incase XMBM+ isn't installed.
    * Changed icon for installer so it matches item.

    * All Download Items now have individual icons.
    * Added LOTS of new items to the Retro Section, Big thanks to @Phil for doing those and also for adding icons to them.
    * Added a "Homebrew Games" category, Just one entry so far, Flappy Birds Family. I plan on adding more soon though.
    * The Package Handling Settings and Style Settings no longer need to download any pkg to be changed, it is now done via local pkgs instead = much faster to change, and can be done offline.
    * Added a few more packages.
    * Few small cosmetic changes, to the note item, credits, category order etc.
    * Fixed bug where the wallpaper settings would revert to default when updating or changing package settings.
    * Updated the wMM and prepNTFS pkgs to the latest versions available right now.


    NOTE 1: WM Launchpad is firmware specific, This version is ONLY for Rebug 4.80. There is a warning built into the installer aswell. Please don't try to install it on other 4.80 CFW, if you do you will most likely need to reinstall FW from recovery.

    NOTE 2: Pay attention to the instructions in the installer, just 2 things, Make sure Cobra and CFW Settings (aka CFW Tools) are enabled via Rebug Toolbox when installing OR uninstalling this app. You can disable these options again after installing/uninstalling this if you wish.

    NOTE 3: You must have a PSN account on your PS3 for this application to work correctly, There are no actual connections to PSN and you don't need to be signed in, but you must have an account on your PS3.

    NOTE 4: Ive tried to make sure all the themes included are 'kid friendly' but its possible a couple slipped by me, let me know if you find any that are not suitable.
  • Name Version Released Hits DL Link
    XMBPD update (4.80-4.81) v0.65 01/15/17 7893 Download
    XMBPD update (4.80-4.81) v0.63 11/11/16 5155 Download
    XMBPD update (4.80-4.81) v0.62 11/07/16 4365 Download
    XMBPD+LaunchPad (4.80) v0.31+0.11 05/24/16 9226 Download
    XMBPD (Rebug 4.80 ONLY) v0.30.00 05/17/16 2792 Download
    XMBPD (Rebug_4.78_Only) v0.20.00 04/01/16 4474 Download
    webMAN LaunchPad (4.80-4.81) v0.15 11/05/16 2558 Download
    webMAN LaunchPad (4.80-4.81) v0.14 11/04/16 2077 Download
    webMAN LaunchPad (4.80) v0.13 11/02/16 2879 Download
    webMAN LaunchPad (4.80) v0.12 10/29/16 2636 Download