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Plugin Manager v1.00 by Orion
Last Release: Jun 12, 2014
Downloads: 12544

This Plugin Manager will install two plugins: webMAN (mod - v1.29.3) and the ability to install habibplugin.sprx for Habib-Cobra users.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
Plugin Manager v1.00 06/12/14 12525 Download
This Manager has 5 options:
1) Install and activate* Webman v1.29.3
2) Install and activate habibplugin.sprx
3) Create the file boot_plugins.txt empty (no plugin directory written)
4) Remove all plug-ins in the console and leaves the file empty boot_plugins.txt
5) Save and exit dall'homebrew.

* = For activate means that the path to the plugin will be written to the file boot_plugins.txt.

Pressing the start button on one of the options, you can view a detailed explanation of the selected option.


Automatic acquisition of the language set in the console (Peer now only in Italian and English, are already working to French and Spanish).

Ability to install / uninstall Webman and habibplugin.

Auto-creation dle file boot_plugins.txt.

When you install a plugin via the path of this homebrew plugin is written to the file boot_plugins.txt.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link