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Simple NTFS ISO Mounter v1.01 by CaptainCPS-X
Last Release: Nov 5, 2013
Downloads: 23890

This application will look for ISOs in your USB NTFS HDD and allow you to mount them on your PS3!


This application will ONLY work on "Cobra 7.00 CFW (Mixed w/Rogero 4.46 v1.00)".

Do not connect more than one NTFS drive, it will only use one, plus I don't see the need of having many drives connected when you just want to mount one game.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
Simple NTFS ISO Mounter (UPD) v1.01 11/05/13 13896 Download
Simple NTFS ISO Mounter (BASE) v1.00 11/04/13 9927 Download
Directories scanned are:


Controls are:

[CROSS] - Select ISO / Game to Mount
[TRIANGLE] - Rescan NTFS drive



v1.01 (November 4, 2013)

- Fixed support for PSXISO, BDISO and DVDISO, now it should mount them correctly.

v1.00 (November 4, 2013)

- Support for PS3ISO, PSXISO, BDISO and DVDISO directories scanning and listing.
- Initial release.


This release is initial, so expect it to be very simple but functional.

More improvements will eventually come, so stay tuned.

Running Iris Manager is causing issues with the mounting of ISOs, avoid
running Iris Manager before booting Simple NTFS ISO Mounter. If you ran
Iris Manager by accident, just restart your PS3.

PS2ISO is not supported, you must use the internal PS3 HDD and put your ISO(s)
in "/dev_hdd0/PS2ISO/".



Thanks to "Estwald" for porting the NTFS library and "Cobra Dev" for
improving it and releasing the Cobra 7.00 CFW along with source code.
Name Version Released Hits DL Link