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QA Flag Tools v1.0 by gitbrew/Glevand
Last Release: Jun 24, 2011
Downloads: 18651

Currently 3.56 and above CANNOT be QA flagged. Only 3.55.
3.55 Downgrade to older firmwares is possible with QA Flag Extra.

- QA Flag: to enable QA
- QA Flag Extra: to enable QA with downgrade
- QA Flag Reset: to reset the QA flags back to default

This tools are only for 3.55 firmwares. Only for advanced users. You need a CFW installed with SS patches. Use at your own risk!
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
QA Flag v1.0 06/24/11 9444 Download
QA Flag Extra v1.0 06/24/11 5328 Download
QA Flag Reset v1.0 06/24/11 3858 Download
How to QA Flag your PS3
1. Download QA Flag pkg. (Also QA Flag Extra pkg for advanced devs ONLY)
2. Run qa_flag.pkg if you hear a beep, it worked.
3. Reboot the ps3
4. Go to network settings (Do not enter it) and hit or hold
5. L1+L2+L3+R1+R2+down on the dpad

Your PS3 is now QA Flagged.


How to REMOVE QA Flag from your PS3
1. Download this QA Flag Reset.
2. Run reset_qa_flag.pkg , If you hear a beep it worked.
3. Reboot the ps3
4. QA Flag is now set to default (Off) Your PS3 is now normal again.


How to Downgrade from 3.55 to lower versions
1. Install CFW355-OTHEROS++-SPECIAL.pup (Doesn’t matter what version you are 3.41, 3.50 etc etc)
2. Install QA Flag Extra pkg
3. Run qa_flag (It will show up as this, that is fine)
4. If you hear the beeps, continue. If you don’t hear the beeps start over.
5. Reboot
6. Go into recovery menu and Update your ps3 with the firmware that you want (3.15, 3.41 etc)
7. Have it install

Name Version Released Hits DL Link