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OpenPS3FTPsplit v2.3 by Onishin
Last Release: Nov 15, 2011
Downloads: 11117

OpenPS3FTPSplit is a modified version of OpenPS3FTP 2.3 (by jjolano) which allows users to automatically split files over 4GB in size for transfers.
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OpenPS3FTPsplit (4.xx) v2.3 11/15/11 11100 Download
It is a mod source code of version 2.3 of OpenPS3FTP, the famous FTP server designed by jjolano.

This program has a unique feature that automatically split files larger than 4GB on a transfer via FTP from your PC to the the internal hard drive of your console or an external hard drive (FAT32) connected to your PS3.

But to avoid unwanted splits, it split the files in parts of 4GB only if the following condition is met:

The files that you want to transfer must be copied to one of the following destinations:


• /dev_usbxxx/BDISO
• /dev_usbxxx/PS3ISO
• /dev_usbxxx/DVDISO
• /dev_usbxxx/PSPISO
• /dev_usbxxx/PS2ISO
• /dev_hdd0/SPLIT/cobra


• /dev_usbxxx/
• /dev_hdd0/SPLIT/multiman

(according to it, the homebrew will use the naming conventions for Cobra or multiMAN)
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