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Last Game v14 by deank
Last Release: Aug 30, 2015
Downloads: 345871

lastGAME is an application that mounts that LAST game played on multiMAN without having to launch it. Indeed lastGAME is multiMAN but without GUI and extra features.

It is not limited to launch the last mounted game from XMB, it also supports mounting the last AVCHD movie you loaded from mM.

It now supports the new payload from mM 04.20.00+, launch PS1 BIN/CUE from XMB and more.

Support: 3.55 CEX/DEX, 4.21 CEX/DEX, 4.30 CEX/DEX, 4.31CEX, 4.40CEX, 4.41CEX, 4.46CEX/DEX, 4.50 CEX/DEX, 4.53 CEX and COBRA 7.0 CFW (4.46 CEX & 4.53 CEX), 4.55 CEX, 4.60 CEX, 4.65/4.66 CEX, 4.70 CEX, 4.75 CEX
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
lastGAME [4.75] v14 08/30/15 44241 Download
lastGAME [COBRA-SS][4.75] v14 08/30/15 11147 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] [4.75] v14 08/30/15 10890 Download
lastGAME [Singstar] [4.75] v14 08/30/15 9514 Download
Here is the updated lastGAME (ver 14)

* lastGAME14.pkg (for regular CFW)
* lastGAME14_SS.pkg (for regular CFW - SingStar replacement)
* lastGAME14_[COBRA].pkg (for COBRA compatible FW)
* lastGAME14_SS_[COBRA}.pkg (for COBRA compatible FW - SingStar replacement)

PRO TIP: If you use webMAN on COBRA 7.x compatible firmwares you don't need lastGAME, because the last played game will be loaded at system start.

* Added support for 4.75 CEX

* Added support for 4.70 CEX

11.0 (multiMAN 04.65.02+)
* Added support for 4.60 CEX & 4.65 CEX

11.0 (multiMAN 04.55.00+)
* Added support for 4.55 CFW

10.0 (multiMAN 04.53.04+)
* Added support for 4.53CFW + COBRA7

9.00 (multiMAN 04.50.04+)
* Added support for Cobra7-Rogero firmware
* Added support for 4.50DEX CFW

8.00 (multiMAN 04.50.00+)
* Added support for 4.50CEX

7.00 (multiMAN 04.46.00+)
* Added support for 4.46CEX

6.00 (multiMAN 04.40.00+)
* Added support for 4.41CEX

6.00 (multiMAN 04.30.00+)
* Added support for 4.40CEX

5.00 (multiMAN 04.20.00+)
* Support new 'mM payload' introduced in multiMAN 04.20.00
* Now PS1 isos can be launched from XMB

NOTE: The tool requires to have installed multiMAN 04.20.00 with the update (20130223) or a later version.

p.s. It is only compatible with mM 04.20.00+ and its own payload and won't work with other payloads or redirections set by other tools/managers. For previous versions of multiMAN use an earlier version of the gameDATA tool.
p.s. It is only compatible with mM 04.20.00+ and its own payload and won't work with other payloads or redirections set by other tools/managers. For previous versions of multiMAN use an earlier version of the gameDATA tool.

4.01 (multiMAN 04.17.05)
* added support for AVCHD HDD

4.00 (multiMAN 04.13.00)
* working on 4.21REBUG/4.30ROGERO v2 CFWs

3.00r2 (multiMAN 04.09.00)
* Updated gameDATA3, lastGAME3 and bdRESET3 to support 4.30CFW

3.00r1 (multiMAN 04.08.00)
* Improved support in lastGAME, gameDATA and bdRESET applications

3.00 (multiMAN 04.07.01)
* Updated lastGAME app to version 3.00

2.00r1 (multiMAN 04.00.01)
* Added lastGAME2 and bdRESET applications

2.00 (multiMAN 04.00.00)
* Added PIC1.PNG/SND0.AT3 (background image and music) support to lastGAME and "PSP Launcher" for PSP ISO files

1.00 (multiMAN 03.01.02)
* Added support for lastGAME application - it will load the last game you played, without entering mmCM
* lastGAME: Application which loads the last played PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP game (folder and ISO format) (separate application)

Technical notes:

lastGAME application gives the moders a lot of freedom:

1) It loads the new payload introduced in multiMAN 04.20.00 (for firmwares 3.55, 4.21, 4.30)
* lastGAME4.1 and earlier versions use Hermes payload (for firmwares 3.41, 3.55, 4.21, 4.30)
2) It can be repacked with any game ID
3) A text based configuration (lastplay.bin) in its folder allows you to configure a game to mount/load
4) You can repack lastGAME with custom LASTPLAY.BIN file to mount any game

lastGAME is a basic multiMAN add-on for almost two years.

LASTPLAY.BIN supports parameters for "Direct Boot", "Regular Load/Mount", network or local load of ps1/ps2/psp backups.

USBP=0 or 1 (for 3.41 usb patch mode)
BOOT=0 or 2 (0 = normal load; 2 = direct boot on 3.55)
BOOT=1 (1 = for direct boot on 3.41)
TITLEID=BLES12345 (title ID of the game)
TYPE=1 for local games (1=PS3 game, 2=AVCHD/BD, other values for BDMOVIE/DVDMOVIE/PS 3ISO/PS2ISO/PSPISO/PSXISO)
HOST=IP_ADDRESS (for network ISO via net_host)
PORT=PORT (for network ISO via net_host)


Name Version Released Hits DL Link
lastGAME (mM 04.50.04+) v9.0 11/04/13 7794 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.50.04+) (SingStar) v9.0 11/04/13 4133 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.50.04+) v9.0 11/04/13 4151 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.50.04+) SS v9.0 11/04/13 3739 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.50.00+) v8.00 10/04/13 5728 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.50.00+) (SingStar) v8.00 10/04/13 4305 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.50.00+) (test) v8.00 10/04/13 3441 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.46.00+) v7.00 07/07/13 7814 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.30.00+) v6.00 05/04/13 5716 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.30.00+) v6.0 03/30/13 4773 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.20.00+) v5.00 02/23/13 4856 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.19.xx and lower) v4.01 12/29/12 5706 Download
Last Game v4.00 11/22/12 3642 Download
Last Game v3.00r2 10/30/12 3635 Download
Last Game v3.00r1 10/23/12 5295 Download
Last Game v3.00 10/20/12 3959 Download
Last Game v2.00r1 01/26/11 3611 Download
lastGAME [4.70] v13 05/18/15 6885 Download
lastGAME [COBRA-SS][4.70] v13 05/18/15 3501 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] [4.70] v13 05/18/15 4069 Download
lastGAME [Singstar] [4.70] v13 05/18/15 3568 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.65.02+) v12.0 11/18/14 37244 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.65.02+) (Singstar) v12.0 11/18/14 4286 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.65.02+) v12.0 11/18/14 4528 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.65.02+) SS v12.0 11/18/14 4124 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.55.00+) v11.0 02/09/14 87229 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.55.00+) (SingStar) v11.0 02/09/14 5248 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.55.00+) v11.0 02/09/14 4794 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.55.00+) SS v11.0 02/09/14 4293 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.53.04+) v10 12/25/13 6240 Download
lastGAME (mM 04.53.04+) (SingStar) v10 12/25/13 4052 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.53.04+) v10 12/25/13 3859 Download
lastGAME [COBRA] (mM 04.53.04+) SS v10 12/25/13 3748 Download