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Install Package Files v2.00 by deank
Last Release: Oct 4, 2013
Downloads: 199382

This is a small handy tool for installing PKG files via the "bubble"/PSN method. This tool is allows to install packages on all PS3 Custom Firmwares, including Rogero 4.30CFW ver 2.00 and 4.50 CEX.

It comes with background running FTP server and /dev_blind mounted (for write access to /dev_flash).
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
Install Package Files v2.00 10/04/13 149780 Download
Install Package Files [SingStar] v1.00 12/24/12 32856 Download
* Installing PKG files from /dev_hdd0 now doesn't require copying and losing time and space (takes less than a second)
* Added progress bar when copying non-split files from USB in installPKG application
* Installing PKG files will not reboot the PS3

If you ever feel sad and want singstar back - just press [Triangle] and [Delete] the new [IPF] and XMB will bring SS back. You can also get rid of the standalone installPKG and you'll have a legitimate IPF now (using the ID of Singstar - so no worries there!)

Have in mind that this will behave almost like the original [* Install Package Files] and will stay on top of the list just under /app_home (thanks to the new PARAM.SFO field ITEM_PRIORITY).

* Supports split pkg files named in the following format:
filename.pkg.0 -> filename.pkg.63
filename.pkg.001 -> filename.pkg.064
filename.pkg.66600 -> filename.pkg.66663

* Upon launch/refresh the following folders are scanned:
Name Version Released Hits DL Link
Install Package Files v2.00 12/30/12 11800 Download
Install Package Files v1.00 12/24/12 4719 Download